Welcome to the 4Hawaiians Only Blog!

No, this isn’t a blog only for Native Hawaiians.  Nor is it only for people fortunate enough to be living in Hawaii.  Our title is just our way of letting people know what kind of grants and resources are available to people of Native Hawaiian ancestry.  See, we have a theory that the light of transparency does great things.  Like letting people evaluate how their tax dollars are spent.  So we set out to find out how much help was available to Native Hawaiians.  After all the claims and posturing of this political climate, we thought a little truth could be a great thing.

And our research has led to this website . . . an ongoing research project, if you will.  In it we explore the different grants available to Native Hawaiians (and hopefully, how effective they are).  We’re not here to pass judgment or make claims about what people need or don’t need.  We just thought that knowing is half the battle.  And that (if we’re going to making important political decisions about money and ethnicity and such) a little knowledge might be a pretty handy thing.

So make yourself at home.  Poke around in our database, take a look at the grants, and consider becoming a fellow researcher and adding to our Wiki of grant information.  And come back frequently–we’ll be updating regularly to let you know about what we’re doing, what we’ve found, and other fun stuff.

Aloha.  (And a Happy New Year.)

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